
Please report any errors to the webmaster here!

Welcome to
WashiiMastering! This is the portal to two different versions of the WM site system.

The first version links to what I hope will be a mostly standards-compliant site system.
The second version links to the older, less compliant system used for compatibility with Internet Explorer (6).

The problem with IE is that it wasn't made with standards in mind. Truthfully, most of the compliant site should work, though most of the formatting, for some unknown reason, will not work!
Maintaining both versions of the site in strict HTML simultaneously would be a horror, so the compatibility web system will not be updated after its initial fixing of broken links, as the entire filesystem is being redesigned. (I guess that could serve as a good snapshot for some people)

So, remember. The Standards Compliant site system will be what you want for up-to-date content!

Now, continue on to the new systems here.
And continue on to the IE-compatibility system here.